What healing modality do you use?
Here at A Healthy Transition, we use RBTI principles and other proven natural health principles (using food, supplements and movement/rest, water, and routines) to bring your body chemistry into alignment. We show you what nutrients your body needs, and how to get your body to be able to absorb what your are giving it. RBTI uses urine and saliva analysis to show your body chemistry. It also reveals the most urgent dietary and lifestyle changes needed to reverse symptoms within your body to get you feeling well as quickly as possible.
What kinds of recommendations do you make?
We make recommendations for types of foods that would help your body feel better and heal quickly and teach you about the foods that would do the opposite (and no, not just the run of the mill white sugar, white flour, alcohol- I promise, you will learn a lot here that you won’t find in mainstream health information). You will find out what vitamins/minerals your body is lacking and how you can best incorporate those into your diet as well as how to get your body to absorb the nutrients you are getting. We make recommendations on movement and rest, as well as detoxing in a safe way and how to restore the liver, kidneys and other vital organs to optimum working conditions.
What can you see in the body chemistry?
There is a long list of things that can be seen using the urine and saliva tests, including:
- Cholesterol
- Sugar levels
- Level of energy (daily and reserve)
- Health of the liver
- Health of the pancreas
- Urine pH/ liver pH (saliva pH)
- Strength of digestion
- Health of the kidneys
- Signs your body is in distress
- Amount of water needed/type
- Ability to process heavy foods
- Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- Foods types that need to be eliminated/added
- Your body’s ability to regulate your sugars/weight
- Whether dead cells are leaving the body or being held onto, causing diseases
- Whether you frequently experience brain fog and why
Why don’t you test blood?
Your body must keep your blood at a specific composition and pH at all times in order to sustain life. Blood tests are not an accurate reading of what your body actually needs because the body has removed nutrients like calcium from other parts of your body to keep the balance in the blood. Urine and saliva tell you where you really are at all times. (It’s like the dipstick on your car giving you early warnings, as opposed to the check engine light that comes on after something has really gone wrong.) When there are problems in the blood, the body is massively deficient in those areas. It means that the blood, which is given first priority, was not able to get enough from other parts of the body, therefore, the problem has been ongoing for some time by the time it shows up in blood work. We can see problems way before it shows up in blood work.
Is RBTI used to diagnose or treat illness?
RBTI practitioners are not medical doctors. We do not diagnose or treat illness or diseases. Recommendations given by an RBTI practitioner are given as though the practitioner had the specific set of numbers of the client and they will share what they would do in that situation.
If I follow an RBTI program, will it help stabilize my emotions including anxiety and depression symptoms?
Yes, it is fascinating how integrated our physical bodies and emotions are. You may have noticed how having a large intake of poor quality foods like fast food or cake and ice cream can change your mood or your child’s mood. The same concept works for us when we give our bodies what they need in the proper amounts at the right times. When this happens, we find more mental clarity, emotional stability and less of a tendency toward the negative emotions like depression, anger and anxiety. Having the right amount and balance of the right calciums (did you know there are 7 types of calcium and you are likely deficient in half of them without knowing it?) will help to stabilize our brains as well. We also have a life coach on board that works with our clients to overcome mental patterns of thought, because our mental health is vital to our physical health. Ask a practitioner today how we can help you with your mental health/thought life.
The doctor says my condition cannot be healed.
All disease is, at its root, a nutrient deficiency. When a deficiency goes on for some time, symptoms occur. After having symptoms for some time, you will develop something that the doctor can put a name to, and you will be able to get a diagnosis. In RBTI, the body chemistry shows the problem/deficiency before it manifests as a symptom or shows up on a scan. Many people go to many doctors and can’t find an answer to the issues in their body because it hasn’t developed enough for it to appear on a scan or be picked up in the blood. When we take the urine analysis, we can show you why you are having issues and give you the steps to cause the body to build new cells and heal. Your body, given the right tools, will heal itself.